Virgin Islands Ear, Nose & Throat is the most comprehensive otolaryngology practice in the Caribbean, serving both adult and pediatric patients. Dr. Smolarz is a board certified otolaryngologist/head and neck surgeon.
Nose and Sinuses
Allergies, breathing blockages and other breathing problems, disorders of taste and smell, tumors
Balance disorders (vertigo), hearing challenges and loss, infections, tumors, external ear deformities, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Meniere’s disease
Fractures of the jaw and other facial bones, diseases of the mouth, birth defects
Throat and Voice Box
Swallowing and breathing disorders, infections, tumors, birth defects, acid reflux, speech and voice problems (aging voice, laryngitis, vocal paralysis), throat cancer, tonsillitis
Cancer/tumors of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, saliva-producing glands, and other areas of the neck
Skin and Face
Facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, facelift plastic surgery, skin resurfacing, wrinkle reduction procedures using BOTOX® Cosmetic, Juvéderm®, Thermage® radio frequency skin tightening, Fraxel® Laser skin resurfacing, eyelid plastic surgery, rehabilitation for facial paralysis
3-D Imaged Navigational Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery using the latest imaging technology (BrainLAB Kolibri®) to precisely pinpoint the locations of nasal blockages
Nose and Sinuses
Allergy testing (food, skin, inhalant), allergy therapies (shots and drops), distribution of allergy control products, somnoplasty (for nasal obstruction), endoscopic sinus surgery, cosmetic surgery and reconstruction, flu shots. In-office nasal sinus balloon procedures.
Hearing and balance testing and treatment, hearing aid prescriptions, distribution and maintenance, inner ear surgery, ear tubes, mastoid surgery, minimally invasive endoscopic in-office ear surgery, eardrum repair. Diving and flying ear injuries and repair
Surgery, cosmetic lip enhancement, surgical repair of birth defects
Throat and Voice Box
Surgery, pH probe testing for acid reflux, transnasal esophagoscopy, Radiesse® injections, feest (flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing) testing, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, instantaneous H pylori breathalyzer testing to help evaluate and treat reflux issues, video stroboscopic evaluation of the voice box, vocal cord surgery and injections to improve voice.
Medical and surgical treatment of the thyroid, submandibular and parotid glands. Head and neck cancer surgery
Skin and Face
Facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, facelift plastic surgery, skin resurfacing, wrinkle reduction procedures using BOTOX Cosmetic®, Restylane®, Perlane®, Juvéderm®, Thermage® radio frequency skin tightening, Fraxel® Laser skin resurfacing, eyelid plastic surgery, rehabilitation for facial paralysis
In-office nasal sinus balloon procedure
Minimally invasive opening of sinus drainage pathways with minimal down-time
Nasal Radiofrequency Surgery
A quick (10 to 15 minute) surgical procedure that uses heat energy to remove nasal obstructions