Dr. Smolarz at Virgin Islands Ear, Nose & Throat would like to provide you with these precautions for your education and review. Should you have any questions, please contact us.
Anti-Reflux Precautions
- No large meals
- No meals or snacks close to bedtime
- No hot ox spicy foods
- No alcohol
- No tobacco products
- No caffeine (coffee, tea, sodas and chocolate)
- No gum chewing
- No tomato products
- No carbonation
- No citric products
- No peppermints or spearmints
- Sleep with upper body elevated 30° - 45°
Nasal Precautions
- No lifting greater than five pounds
- No straining
- No bending
- Sneeze with your mouth open
- No nose blowing
- Sleep with your upper body elevated
- Do not bend over to tie your shoes - Use slippers or loafers
- Cool diet - Liquids or food at room temperature or cooler
- Use a cool mist humidifier with a filter
- Saline mist nasal spray - two sprays to each nostril four times each day